Anthony Abrahamian

head shot of Anthony Abrahamian

Global Investment Strategist

Anthony is an Investment Strategist at Rothschild & Co Wealth Management, having joined in 2022. He is responsible for the in-house strategy view on both the global economy and capital markets. 

Prior to joining Rothschild & Co, Anthony worked as an economist at a sell-side research house called Absolute Strategy Research. He also worked in the equity strategy team there, though started his career at a fintech start-up which focused on emerging markets. 

Anthony graduated with first-class honours from the University of Bristol in 2018, having studied (BSc) Economics with Study in Continental Europe

Read more from Anthony

  • The next mood shift

    Market Perspective

    In this edition of Market Perspective we consider whether investors should be worried about rising levels of US government debt. We also examine the outlook for global inflation and how this could impact central banks’ upcoming interest rate decisions.

  • Der nächste Stimmungsumschwung

    Market Perspective

    Trotz geopolitischer Spannungen und sich ändernder Zinssenkungserwartungen haben sich die Finanzmärkte bemerkenswert widerstandsfähig gezeigt. In dieser Marktperspektive erörtern wir die "höher für länger" Geldpolitik und besprechen die Bedeutung der steigenden US-Staatsverschuldung.

  • Gold rush?


    Gold has risen in value by more than 5% over the past week to reach an all-time high. But unlike stocks it does not generate a dividend and unlike bonds there is no coupon paid to investors. So what factors are behind the precious metal’s recent resurgence?

  • The AI-driven surge


    Chipmaker Nvidia has announced strong financial results. Alongside the rest of the ‘Magnificent Seven’ tech and AI stocks, it has been a key driver of the US market in recent times. But should investors now be worried about market concentration around these big names?

  • (Nachlassende) Inflation, China und Bewertungen

    Market Perspective

    Die Politik kann sich durchaus auf die Portfolios im Jahr 2024 auswirken, aber wir wissen, dass der Konjunkturzyklus dies mit Sicherheit tun wird. In dieser Marktperspektive untersuchen wir die Inflationsaussichten, die Argumente für und gegen Investitionen in China und die Frage, ob Aktien derzeit überbewertet sind.

  • Banks: still stressed?


    It has been almost one year since banking stresses first emerged – and quickly dissipated – in the United States. But amid renewed concerns over the country’s banking sector, could the unwanted return of market stress lead us to a full-blown banking crisis?