Victor Balfour

Victor Balfour - Investment Strategist - Rothschild & Co

Global Investment Strategist

Victor is an Investment Strategist at Rothschild & Co Wealth Management, having joined in 2012. At Rothschild & Co he is responsible for formulating the in-house strategy view on economic, political and market developments.

Victor graduated from the University of Bristol with a BSc (Hons) in Biochemistry. Prior to joining Rothschild & Co, Victor began his career at Psigma where he was responsible for advising wealthy clients, families and trusts.

He is a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Securities & Investment and is a Trustee of the Rothschild & Co Pension Scheme.

Read more from Victor

  • The next mood shift

    Market Perspective

    In this edition of Market Perspective we consider whether investors should be worried about rising levels of US government debt. We also examine the outlook for global inflation and how this could impact central banks’ upcoming interest rate decisions.

  • Der nächste Stimmungsumschwung

    Market Perspective

    Trotz geopolitischer Spannungen und sich ändernder Zinssenkungserwartungen haben sich die Finanzmärkte bemerkenswert widerstandsfähig gezeigt. In dieser Marktperspektive erörtern wir die "höher für länger" Geldpolitik und besprechen die Bedeutung der steigenden US-Staatsverschuldung.

  • Are oil prices pushing inflation higher?


    Oil prices are up by a fifth since January, but should we be worried this will sustain higher inflation? We consider how demand may be firming up as the depressed manufacturing sector picks up, and the impact that could have on demand for raw inputs like oil.

  • Japan: partying like it's 1989


    Japan’s stock market is performing strongly, but we are unconvinced about the country’s long-term attractiveness. We believe the recent bounce in the Nikkei index is a sentiment or momentum driven story, and not one that yet reflects better fundamentals.

  • (Nachlassende) Inflation, China und Bewertungen

    Market Perspective

    Die Politik kann sich durchaus auf die Portfolios im Jahr 2024 auswirken, aber wir wissen, dass der Konjunkturzyklus dies mit Sicherheit tun wird. In dieser Marktperspektive untersuchen wir die Inflationsaussichten, die Argumente für und gegen Investitionen in China und die Frage, ob Aktien derzeit überbewertet sind.

  • Is the US election over before it even started?


    In selecting the next leader of the free world, voters in the United States face a decidedly uncompelling choice. We examine what a return to the White House for President Trump could mean for investors, and the outlook if President Biden remains in office.