Wealth Management: Mosaique Insights - Foreword

Laurent Gagnebin, CEO, Rothschild & Co Bank AG, and Dr. Carlos Mejia, CIO, Rothschild & Co Bank AG

A more responsible future1

What a difference one issue makes. In autumn 2019 we wrote to you as a decade was ending and a resurgence in economic and investor optimism saw markets edging towards record highs and the business cycle growing longer.

The emergence and spread of COVID-19 in January 2020 and its subsequent global impact is a timely reminder of the fragility of both market and mankind's existence. Our thoughts go out to all those affected at this challenging time.

At Rothschild & Co Wealth Management, we have a duty to remain focused on being long-term custodians and guardians of your wealth. While today we may find ourselves in the eye of the pandemic's storm, it too shall pass.2 We need to keep looking ahead to what will be the long-term drivers of change for business, the global economy and your investments, not over weeks or months, but quarters and years.

That is why we think it is more important than ever to take the opportunity in this edition of Mosaique Insights to look at a quiet revolution that is under way in investing. Even with COVID-19, today's investment agenda will continue to integrate environmental, social and governance factors in the way capital and businesses are managed.

In the following articles we draw on a wide variety of expertise from our colleagues in Zurich, Geneva, Frankfurt and London, as well as our equity research partner Redburn.

In the meantime, we wish you and your families safety, good health and patience, as we wait for better days - for they too shall come. As always, should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

1With reference to Rothschild & Co's latest Corporate Responsibility Report 2019, which we invite you to read.

2Market Perspective by Kevin Gardiner, Global Investment Strategist (Issue 117, March 2020).

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