Wealth Management: Investment Views – The rise of private markets

William Haggard, William Therlin, Amaya Gutiérrez, Raphaela Schröder and Andreas Doepfert, Wealth Management

Investing with Rothschild & Co

We are embracing sustainable investment approaches as part of our long-term commitment to growing wealth.

We have shown in this publication that private markets can deliver higher returns and lower volatility to a client's well-diversified portfolio. Yet investing in private markets requires commercial insight into specific investment opportunities. As discussed in our introduction, the Rothschild family has been at the forefront of investing in these opportunities over the last 250 years. During this time it has been the Rothschild family's values and personal commitment that has allowed us to become a trusted partner in private markets. 

Today, Rothschild & Co's  Merchant Banking team works alongside Rothschild & Co's  Global Advisory business in delivering this partnership. Our Merchant Banking team structures Rothschild & Co's private equity and private debt funds and receives monies to source and invest in the best deals across sectors and regions. Our Global Advisory business, which finished first globally in terms of number of corporate deals completed in 2018, provides our Merchant Banking teams with unrivalled insights to the best opportunities available in private markets. 

Investing responsibly 

Since 2009, investors have been able to join the family in investing in Rothschild & Co's Merchant Banking strategies. During this time we have been conscious of developing our investment strategies in a socially responsible manner. Nowhere is this felt more closely than in private markets where we offer and promote strategies which embrace Environmental, Social and corporate Governance (ESG) standards. 

In order to fulfil ESG requirements, some managers embed ESG filters in their selection, due diligence and monitoring of private market opportunities. We are happy to say that Rothschild & Co Merchant Banking signed the UN Principles of Responsible Investment in 2012 and now has designated employees responsible for ESG affairs in each of its investment teams. By avoiding unethical trading and committing to ESG principles we believe that we will create longer and more sustainable value for our clients when investing in private markets. 


This publication aims to highlight the important role of private market investments within a well-diversified investment strategy and to explain the various private markets strategies to consider when investing in private equity and private debt funds. 

Should you have any questions on the current strategies open to invest in, please contact your Client Advisers.


Click here to continue: Investment Views - Important Information


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