Mosaique Insights: Issue 08

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War does not determine who is right – only who is left.”

This Spring saw many emerge from a second winter of Covid-19 restrictions as we learn to live with the virus. It is a time of renewal but also increased uncertainty from the geo-political events which unfolded in the first quarter of this year.

Reminded by the wise words attributed to the philosopher Bertrand Russel, war does not determine who is right – only who is left. Our thoughts go out to all those affected by the war in Ukraine.

The events of the last three months reminds us of the importance of maintaining a long-term wealth preservation strategy, one which gives perspectives, seeks to understand the present and moves in anticipation for the future. As set out following articles our investment and strategists have been moving swiftly, dialling back the market noise and positioning portfolios for times ahead.

Whether it’s inflation, rising interest rates, supply chain bottlenecks or the ramifications of sanctions on a less globalised world, we bring you our latest thought leadership, views and analysis during this season of change.

Drawing on seven generations of wealth preservation, it is our collective knowledge across the centuries which serve as our most valued asset to our clients. We look forward to continuing this service, safe in the knowledge that what has come before will come again.

We look forward to seeing you soon
Bis bald, à la prochaine

Laurent Gagnebin
CEO, Rothschild & Co Bank AG


Dr. Carlos Mejia
CIO, Rothschild & Co Bank AG


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