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Rothschild & Co | Annual Report 2017

Rothschild Private Wealth & Asset Management

Rothschild Asset Management – North America

Data from consulting firm FUSE Research Network shows

that Rothschild Asset Management – North America is

among the 6% of US-based active equity managers that

have seen positive inflows in each of the past four years.

In 2017, we added 23 new institutional accounts, helping

to increase our assets to US$10.6 billion on 31 December


During the last three years, we have more than doubled our

AUM and achieved a significant milestone in crossing the

US$10 billion threshold. Rothschild Asset Management

– North America is now well-positioned and privileged to

serve a diverse client base.

Our management expertise

In New York, we offer investments covering a range of US

securities including large-cap, small/mid-cap, small-cap

and balanced strategies. We seek to provide superior

performance while controlling risk. Our seasoned teams

of investment professionals use a disciplined investment

philosophy and an integrated process focused on

fundamentals. We manage assets for a broad range of

clients including: corporations, endowments, foundations,

healthcare organisations, high net-worth investors, public

pension funds, sub-advisory and Taft-Hartley plans. We are

guided by a clear and strongly held investment philosophy

that seeks to add value through stock selection while

controlling benchmark risk.

To that end, six out of seven of our actively managed US

strategies outperformed their benchmarks gross of fees

in 2017. Nor has our success been short-term: all seven

strategies have outperformed their benchmarks since

inception, and have done so with less risk. In addition,

none of our strategies have ever underperformed their

benchmarks in a negative calendar year.

Our complementary offering:

risk-based investments

As the asset management industry continues to evolve,

investors have increasingly looked to hybrid solutions that

combine the best features of active and passive solutions.

In addition, after an extended bull market, many clients are

seeking a way to participate in the upside while reducing

the risk associated with traditional market capitalisation-

weighted indices.

Based in New York, Rothschild Risk Based Investments LLC

(RRBI) takes a new approach to portfolio construction,

offering bespoke solutions based on risk. These solutions

are designed to reduce volatility and maximum drawdown,

while improving the Sharpe ratio.

Our relationship with National Bank Investments in Canada,

where we sub-advise a Canadian-equity and a global equity

fund, continues to thrive. Our business has grown with the

addition of two ETF mandates from Nationwide, a large

US-based insurance company.