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Rothschild & Co | Annual Report 2017   


1. Overview

4. Financial statements


Management report

2. Business review

1.3.2 Terms and conditions of shareholders’

attendance at General Meetings

Decisions are adopted by Limited Partners during General Meetings of

shareholders by a simple majority of the votes for ordinary decisions,

and by a majority of two thirds of the votes for extraordinary decisions.

General Meetings are convened by the Managing Partner or by the

Supervisory Board and decisions are made, in the conditions provided

for by law, by a simple majority of the votes of shareholders attending

or represented at the meeting in the case of Ordinary General Meetings,

and by a two-thirds majority of the votes of shareholders attending or

represented at the meeting in the case of Extraordinary General Meetings.

General Meetings are held at the registered office or any other place

indicated in the notice of meeting. General Meetings are chaired by the

Company’s Managing Partner or, with the agreement of the Company’s

Managing Partner, by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board; failing this,

the General Meeting elects its chairman.

In compliance with Article 11 of the Company’s articles of association,

any shareholder or holder of voting right certificates is entitled to attend

General Meetings in accordance with the conditions provided for by law

and by the articles of association. These persons may send their proxy

forms or mail voting forms concerning any General Meeting in paper format

or electronically. The Managing Partner has the power to accept any proxy

form, voting form or shareholding certificate received or presented to the

General Meeting. By decision of the Company’s Managing Partner to use

such telecommunication methods, indicated as such in the notice of

meeting or invitation to attend, shareholders and holders of voting right

certificates who attend and vote at General Meetings of shareholders by

videoconference or any other telecommunication must enable their identity

to be verified in order to be deemed to be present at the meeting for the

purposes of quorum and majority.

In case of division of ownership of shares or voting right certificates, the

voting rights attached to the shares or the voting right certificates belong

to the bare owners (


), except for decisions on the allocation

of income, which belongs to the beneficial owners (



More details on the terms and conditions of shareholders’ attendance at

Rothschild & Co’s General Meetings are provided to shareholders in the

notice of meeting to be published on the Company’s website prior to the

General Meeting in accordance with the law.

2 Information on the share capital

2.1 Composition of the share capital

As at 31 December 2017, the Company’s share capital was divided

into 77,262,472 ordinary shares and 145,040 investment certificates.

Moreover, 145,040 voting right certificates, not included in the share

capital, were also in existence. A whole share is automatically consolidated

by combining an investment certificate with a voting right certificate.

During the 2017 financial year (i.e. period from 1 April 2017 to

31 December 2017), three authorised share capital increases

were implemented:

• in the framework of the 2013 Equity Scheme (as this term is defined

under Section 2.3.2) and the delegation of authority granted by the

shareholders to the Company’s Managing Partner, the latter decided

on 21 July 2017 to authorise the issue of 32,500 shares following the

exercise of 32,500 stock options;

• in the framework of the 2013 Equity Scheme and the delegation of

authority granted by the shareholders to the Company’s Managing

Partner, the latter decided on 30 November 2017 to authorise the issue

of 65,000 shares following the exercise of 65,000 stock options; and

• in the framework of the 2013 Equity Scheme and the delegation of

authority granted by the shareholders to the Company’s Managing

Partner, the latter decided on 29 December 2017 to authorise the issue

of 20,000 shares following the exercise of 20,000 stock options.

In addition, during this financial year, Rothschild & Co acquired 145,040

voting certificates on 22 December 2017, so it held on 31 December 2017,

the last remaining 145,040 voting certificates and the last remaining

145,040 investment certificates in circulation. The Managing Partner of

the Company decided on 15 January 2018 to form 145,040 new shares by

consolidation of these 145,040 voting right certificates, with the 145,040

investment certificates already owned by Rothschild & Co.

2.2 Voting rights

As at 31 December 2017, the total number of voting rights was as follows:

Total number of voting rights







(1) The total number of theoretical voting rights includes voting rights attached to shares without

the capacity to exercise the voting rights attached to them pursuant to the applicable legal

or regulatory provisions. The shares concerned are treasury shares and controlling shares.

Pursuant to applicable legal and regulatory provisions, the crossing upwards of voting rights

thresholds provided for by law or by the articles of association must be calculated based on

the total number of theoretical voting rights, as made public by Rothschild & Co every month.

Each month, the Company issues a report on the total number of shares

and voting rights comprised in the share capital which is available on its



under Section “Regulated Information”).

Each share and voting right certificate is entitled to one voting right at

the General Meetings. However, Article 11.1 of the Company’s articles of

association provides that, as from the General Meeting of shareholders

on 8 June 2012, the holder of any fully paid share, held in the form of

registered shares for at least two years in the name of a single holder,

shall be entitled to two voting rights per share, without any limitation.

In case of capital increase, by incorporation of reserves, benefits or issue

premiums, the double voting right is, as from the issuance date, attributed

to the registered shares allocated to a shareholder as a consequence of

former shares for which he benefits from a double voting right.

In the event of any transfer following inheritance, liquidation of marital

property between spouses, or donation

inter vivos

in favour of a spouse

or relative entitled to inherit, the right remains acquired and the period

referred to above is not interrupted. The double voting right is cancelled

ipso jure

on any share transferred for any other cause.

In case of division of shares and voting right certificates’ ownership,

the voting right attached to the share or to the voting right certificate is

exercised by the bare owner (


), except on decisions relating

to the appropriation of income, where it is exercised by the beneficial





2.3 Securities granting access to share capital

2.3.1 Background and legal framework

The Managing Partner is authorised by Rothschild & Co’s shareholders to

grant stock options for the benefit of the senior employees and executive

corporate officers of the Company and its subsidiaries.

Beyond the mere use of the legal authority to implement stock-options

plans, the Company also wanted to promote the convergence of interests

of the stock-options beneficiaries with the controlling family shareholder as

well as other shareholders.