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Rothschild & Co | Annual Report 2017

As at 31 December 2017, the shareholders of Rothschild Concordia SAS

were as followed:


Shares % of share


% of voting


David de Rothschild’s family



269,551,815 33.02% 33.02%

Eric and Robert de Rothschild’s

family branch 


374,927,451 45.94% 45.94%

Integritas BV branch 


171,728,995 21.04% 21.04%

Total Rothschild Concordia


816,208,261 100.00% 100.00%

(1) Mr. David de Rothschild, his family and holding companies controlled by his family.

(2) Messrs. Eric and Robert de Rothschild and holding companies controlled by his family.

(3) Controlled by the English branch of the Rothschild family.

The second agreement was a Share Disposal Agreement entered into

between Rothschild & Co and the Eranda Rothschild Foundation on

22 January 2008 (the “Share Disposal Agreement”). The main terms and

conditions of this Share Disposal Agreement, which is no longer in force as

at 31 December 2017, are summarised in page 63.

Pursuant to the provisions of Article L. 233-11 of the French Commercial

Code, those two agreements were published by the AMF on 25 January

2008 (AMF Decision & Information No. 208C0180 of 25 January 2008).

3.1.2 Enlarged Family Concert after the Group

reorganisation in June 2012

Following the Group reorganisation in June 2012, the AMF was informed

on 12 June 2012 of the new composition of the family concert extended to

new members: Rothschild Concordia SAS, the David, Eric and Edouard de

Rothschild family branches, certain members of the management bodies

and Compagnie Financière Martin Maurel. On this occasion, the AMF was

informed of the existence of a new shareholders’ agreement (defined as

the “Rothschild & Co Shareholders’ Agreement” in Section 4.2) whose

main terms were published by the AMF (AMF Decision & Information

No. 212C0752 of 13 June 2012 and Decision & Information No. 212C0783

of 19 June 2012), summarised on page 64 of this report.

In December 2014, the AMF was informed of the addition of four new

members to the Enlarged Family Concert: Messrs. Nicolas Bonnault,

Laurent Baril, Philippe Le Bourgeois and Christophe Desprez, four of

the Group’s Senior Managers. On this occasion, the AMF was informed

of the execution of an amendment to the Rothschild & Co Shareholders’

Agreement whose main provisions were published by the AMF (AMF

Decision & Information No. 215C0073 of 14 January 2015).

During the financial year ended 31 March 2016, certain members of the

Enlarged Family Concert (the Messrs. David, Edouard, Eric and Robert family

branches and Olivier Pécoux) acquired 404,142 additional Rothschild & Co

shares on 19 October 2015, representing 0.39% of the Company’s share

capital. On this occasion, declarations were made to the AMF (AMF Decisions

& Information No. 2015DD396509, 2015DD396510 and 2015DD396511

of 23 October 2015).

On 4 January 2016, the AMF was informed of the addition to the Enlarged

Family Concert of a new member, Mr. Nigel Higgins, Managing Partner

(formerly Chief Executive Officer) of Rothschild & Co Gestion SAS, after his

acquisition of 4,362 shares (AMF Decision & Information No. 216C0119

of 12 January 2016).

Moreover, the AMF was informed of a series of share reclassifications by

certain members of the Enlarged Family Concert. On this occasion, six

individuals within the concert contributed their shares to their holding

companies, which are also members of the concert. This series of share

reclassifications, which was completed on 31 March 2016, resulted in

the loss of double voting rights for members who had held their shares

in registered form for more than two years, representing a gross loss of

434,000 voting rights for the family concert.

On 2 January 2017, following the merger with Compagnie Financière

Martin Maurel, Compagnie Financière Martin Maurel was replaced in

the Enlarged Family Concert by its main three shareholders, Mr. Bernard

Maurel, Ms. Lucie Maurel-Aubert and BD Maurel which controlled the

Compagnie Financière Martin Maurel before the merger. An amendment

agreement to the Rothschild & Co Shareholders’ Agreement was entered

into on the same date, to reflect their adherence to this agreement. On

this occasion, the AMF was informed of the change in the shareholding

structure of Rothschild & Co following the merger with Compagnie

Financière Martin Maurel (AMF Decision & Information No. 217C0092

of 9 January 2017).

On 20 March 2017, the AMF was informed of the sale of Rothschild & Co

shares held by the Eranda Rothschild Foundation (AMF Decision &

Information No. 217C0678 of 20 March 2017).

On 28 June 2017, the AMF was informed of the sale of all the Rothschild &

Co shares held by the Eranda Rothschild Foundation on 22 June 2017.

Following this sale, the Eranda Rothschild Foundation crossed downward

each threshold causing its leaving of the Enlarged Family Concert. However,

the Enlarged Family Concert did not cross any threshold (AMF Decision &

Information No. 217C1391 of 29 June 2017).

Information on the Company and share capital