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Rothschild & Co | Annual Report 2017   


1. Overview

4. Financial statements


Management report

2. Business review

The Supervisory Board’s report on corporate governance is drawn up

in accordance with Article L. 226-10-1 of the French Commercial Code.

Its purpose is to provide a presentation of Rothschild & Co’s corporate

governance. The present report for the 2017 financial year was approved

by the Supervisory Board at its meeting on 13 March 2018.

1 Corporate governance structure

As a result of the legal form of the Company, its corporate governance

structure is based on the Managing Partner and the Supervisory Board.

The corporate governance code referred to by the Company on a

voluntary basis in this report is the Corporate Governance Code for Listed

Companies (revised in November 2016) published by the French employers’


Association Française des Entreprises Privées

(Afep) and

Mouvement des Entreprises de France

(Medef) (the “Afep-Medef Code”).

The Afep-Medef Code can be viewed on the Afep website


and the Medef website


. In circumstances where

Rothschild & Co does not comply – or does not comply in full – with certain

recommendations of the Afep-Medef Code, the reasons are set out in the

table on page 90 of this report.

1.1 The Managing Partner,

Rothschild & Co Gestion SAS

1.1.1 Role and duties

Rothschild & Co Gestion SAS, the sole Company’s Managing Partner



) and legal representative of Rothschild & Co, was appointed by

Rothschild & Co’s articles of association, as the first statutory Managing

Partner, for the duration of the Company. Rothschild & Co Gestion SAS,

as Managing Partner of Rothschild & Co, is responsible for the overall

management of Rothschild & Co, the Group’s lead holding company.

The Company’s Managing Partner has full power to act in all circumstances

in the Company’s name and on its behalf, in order to, among other things:

• ensure the effective determination of the direction of the business of

the Company and the entities within the Group on a consolidated basis;

• supervise the accounting and financial information and direct the

internal control of the Company and the entities within the Group

on a consolidated basis;

• determine the regulatory capital of the Company and the entities

within the Group on a consolidated basis;

• approve the annual, consolidated and half-yearly accounts of

the Company;

• determine the agenda and prepare the draft resolutions of the

shareholders’ General Meetings of the Company;

• convene the shareholders’ General Meetings of the Company; and

• prepare those reports and decisions established in its capacity as the

Managing Partner of the Company.

As at 31 December 2017 and at the date of present report, Mr. David de

Rothschild is the Chairman of the Company’s Managing Partner. Subject

to the powers granted by Rothschild & Co Gestion SAS’s shareholders, the

Chairman is vested with the broadest powers to act in the name and on

behalf of Rothschild & Co Gestion SAS, acting itself as the Company’s

Managing Partner, in any circumstances.

The list of positions held by Mr. David de Rothschild is presented on page 74.

In addition, Messrs. David de Rothschild and Olivier Pécoux perform the

functions referred to in Article L. 511-13 of the French Monetary and

Financial Code (

Code monétaire et financier

) in the context of the Company

as a financial holding company supervised on a consolidated basis by the

French Prudential Control Authority

(Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et




1.1.2 The Management Board of

Rothschild & Co Gestion SAS

The decision-making process of the Managing Partner relies on its

Management Board (

conseil de gérance

), a collective body which aims

to assist the Chairman of the Company’s Managing Partner to fulfil the

commitments of Rothschild & Co Gestion SAS acting in its capacity as

the Managing Partner of Rothschild & Co. The Management Board is

consultative, with the final decisions resting with its Chairman.

The Management Board meets on a quarterly basis, ahead of the meetings of

the Supervisory Board and the Supervisory Board’s specialised committees,

in particular so as to enable an adequate preparation and review ahead of

reports to the Supervisory Board and its committees. In addition to those

quarterly meetings, in order to maintain the proper and consistent functioning

of the Group’s management and supervision and to streamline the process

of information to the Management Board, the Management Board meets

monthly or more frequently if so required by the Chairman.

During the 2016/2017 financial year, the governance arrangements

surrounding the functioning and composition of the Management Board

evolved as follows:

• Mr. Alexandre de Rothschild has been appointed as Executive Deputy

Chairman of the Managing Partner;

• the composition of the Management Board has been reinforced, in the

spirit of an executive board (


) of a public limited company

with executive and supervisory boards (

société anonyme à directoire et

conseil de surveillance

): joining the Management Board alongside the

Chairman, the Executive Deputy Chairman, Messrs. Nigel Higgins and

Olivier Pécoux, Marc-Olivier Laurent, the Group Head of Merchant

Banking, and Robert Leitão, the Group Head of Global Advisory; and

• Messrs. Nigel Higgins, Olivier Pécoux, Marc-Olivier Laurent, and Robert

Leitão have each been appointed as Managing Partners of Rothschild &

Co Gestion SAS.

As at 31 December 2017, the Management Board comprised six members:

the Chairman, the Executive Deputy Chairman and the four Managing


The Supervisory Board during its meeting on 23 February 2017 considered

upon the recommendation of its Remuneration and Nomination Committee,

that these changes not only enhance the quality and strength of Rothschild

& Co but also reinforce the management and control of the Group for the

benefit of the Supervisory Board and the Company’s shareholders.

Furthermore, Messrs. Nigel Higgins and Olivier Pécoux represent the

Company’s Managing Partner at the Group Executive Committee, the senior

executive committee at Rothschild & Co. They co-chair the Group Executive

Committee and are jointly responsible for the oversight and coordination

of the support functions of the Group. The Group Executive Committee

meets monthly to ensure, among other things, that the Company and the

Company’s Group entities implement effectively the decisions taken by the

Company’s Managing Partner on behalf of the Company.

Corporate governance