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Rothschild & Co | Annual Report 2017

Corporate governance

The Supervisory Board, at its meeting on 13 March 2018, opined in favour of these renewals upon the recommendation of its Remuneration and Nomination

Committee. More detailed information will be presented on these proposed renewals in the General Meeting Document, grouping all information to be presented

to shareholders, including the report to shareholders from the Supervisory Board to be published on the Company’s website at


1.2.3 Profile and list of positions held by the non-voting member of the Supervisory Board

A summary profile for François Henrot, who has been appointed as a non-voting member of the Supervisory Board and the list of his directorships and

positions held as at 31 December 2017, within and outside the Group, in France and in other countries, is presented below.

François HENROT

Positions held within Rothschild & Co SCA:

• Non-Voting Member (


) of the Supervisory Board

Main position:

• Managing Director of Rothschild & Cie SCS (through his holding FH GFA SARL)

General information


Born in 1949

Number of shares held as at 31 December 2017: 476,260

Date of first appointment: 29 September 2016

Date of last renewal: n/a

End of term of office: AGM to be held in 2019

Other directorships and positions held

Within the Group

In France:

Manager of FH GFA SARL, General Partner and Manager of Rothschild &


Manager of FH GFA SARL, Managing Partner of RCB Partenaires SNC

Chief Executive Officer of Paris Orléans Holding Bancaire (POHB) SAS

In other countries:


Outside the Group

In France:

Member of the Supervisory Board of Rexel SA 


In other countries:

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Copeba (Belgium)

Member of the Board of Directors of Yam Invest NV ( Netherlands)

Non-Executive member of the Board of Directors of BMCE Bank SA 



Positions no longer held (but held within the last five years)

In France:

Managing Director of Rothschild & Compagnie Banque SCS (until 2017)

Non-voting member (


) of the Supervisory Board of Vallourec SA 


(until 2015) (outside the Group)

General Partner and Manager of Rothschild & Cie SCS (until 2014)

Managing Partner of de RCB Partenaires SNC (until 2014)

Member of the Supervisory Board of 3 Suisses SA (until 2013) (outside the


In other countries:

Member of the Board of Directors of Rothschilds Continuation Holdings AG (Switzerland) (until 2013)

(1) Listed company.

1.2.4 Powers of the Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board continually monitors the way in which the

Company is managed by the Managing Partner, including in particular

the Company’s financial and accounting reporting system and its internal

control mechanisms applicable to risk, compliance and internal audit,

in accordance with the laws and regulations applicable to the Company.

The Supervisory Board may call a General Meeting of shareholders.

In order to exercise its authority in the area of permanent oversight:

• the Supervisory Board conducts such checks and controls as it

considers appropriate at any time of the year, and may ask to be

provided with such documents as it considers useful to perform

its duties;

• every three months (or more frequently if requested by the Supervisory

Board), the Managing Partner presents a report to the Supervisory

Board on the status and conduct of corporate affairs, such report to

be drawn up as directed by the Supervisory Board;

• within three months of the end of each financial year, the Managing

Partner presents the annual and consolidated financial statements

to the Supervisory Board for verification and control purposes;

• the Managing Partner submits its annual operating objectives to the

Supervisory Board and, at least once a year, its long-term strategic


• the Supervisory Board presents a report to shareholders at the annual

General Meeting of shareholders in which it reports any discrepancies

and/or inaccuracies in the annual and consolidated financial statements

and comments on the way in which the Company is managed;

• the agreements and commitments relating to the combined provisions

of Article L. 226-10 and L. 225-38 to L. 225-43 of the French

Commercial Code are submitted to the Supervisory Board for prior

authorisation; and

• it checks the quality of information issued by the Rothschild & Co Group

to shareholders and the financial markets, through the Company and

Group financial statements prepared by the Managing Partner and the

annual report drawn up by the Managing Partner, or at the time of major
