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Rothschild & Co | Annual Report 2017   


1. Overview

4. Financial statements


Management report

2. Business review

In addition to the powers granted to it by law, using the methods set forth

in Article 10.2.3 of the Company’s articles of association, the Supervisory

Board issues:

• an advisory opinion to the Managing Partner in respect of:

–– the strategic policies, annual budget and three-year business plan

of the Rothschild & Co Group;

–– any significant acquisition or disposal of a business or part of a

business, and

–– any strategic initiative or major refocusing of the business of the

Rothschild & Co Group, and

• a recommendation to shareholders regarding the Company’s

dividend policy.

Moreover, the Supervisory Board presents a report to the shareholders and

a reasoned opinion on any resolution submitted to the shareholders at their

General Meeting and on any matter that is the subject of a report by the

Company’s Statutory Auditors.

The Supervisory Board may be assisted by experts of its choosing, whose

expenses shall be paid by the Company. It has the broadest powers of

investigation and may submit written questions to, or seek the opinion

of the Managing Partner at any time.

1.2.5 Duties of the Supervisory Board members

Before assuming a seat on the Supervisory Board, each member must

be aware of the general and special obligations incumbent on them. In

particular, they must familiarise themselves with the laws and regulations

governing the duties of Supervisory Board members.

The Company provides new members with its articles of association and

the Supervisory Board’s internal rules of procedure before they take office.

By accepting a seat on the Supervisory Board, members agree to abide by

its internal rules of procedure.

When taking part in Supervisory Board meetings and casting a vote,

Supervisory Board members are representing all of the Company’s

shareholders and acting in the interests of the Company.

Supervisory Board members must allocate the required time to preparing

for Board meetings and meetings of any committees on which they sit (as

the case may be) by carefully reading the documentation provided to them.

They may ask the Chairman for any further information that they require.

Supervisory Board members must attend all Supervisory Board meetings

and meetings of any committees of which they are members (as the case

may be), as well as General Meetings of shareholders, unless subject to

an impediment and provided that they notify the Chairman and/or the

Secretary accordingly beforehand.

Documentation for Supervisory Board meetings as well as information

collected before or during Supervisory Board meetings is confidential.

In accordance with applicable regulations, Supervisory Board members

and all other persons invited to attend the meetings may not pass on

such information to a third person, other than within the ordinary scope

of their work or occupation, for any purpose or activity other than those

for which the information was provided to them. They are required to take

appropriate measures to protect the confidentiality of such information.

Such information ceases to be personal and confidential when published

externally by the Company, particularly in the form of a press release.

Supervisory Board members are not permitted to use their position and/or

duties to procure any kind of benefit, whether financial or otherwise, either

for themselves or for a third party.

Members must notify the Supervisory Board of any actual or potential

conflict of interest with the Rothschild & Co Group. They must abstain from

voting on the corresponding decision and from taking part in the discussion

held prior to the vote.

The direct or indirect involvement of any Supervisory Board member in

an operation or a transaction in which the Rothschild & Co Group has a

direct interest, or of which he is aware as a result of his membership of

the Supervisory Board, must be disclosed to the Supervisory Board prior

to the conclusion of such operation or transaction.

Supervisory Board members are not permitted to assume personal

responsibilities in undertakings or affairs that compete directly or indirectly

with those of the Rothschild & Co Group without notifying the Supervisory

Board in advance.

Supervisory Board members and all other persons who are invited to

attend Supervisory Board meetings must not engage (either in person or

via an intermediary) in transactions involving financial instruments of the

Company and/or any other issuer for as long as they possess (as a result

of their duties or presence at a Supervisory Board meeting) confidential

information that might have a material effect on the price of the said

financial instruments or on the price of related financial instruments.

This duty applies without the Company being required to stipulate that

the relevant information is confidential or privileged. Similarly, Supervisory

Board members must refrain from disclosing such information to any other

person outside the ordinary scope of their functions or for any purpose

other than those for which the information was provided to them. Lastly,

members must refrain from advising any other person to purchase or sell

the financial instruments to which such information relates.

To this end, the following measures in particular must be taken:

• shares in the Company held by a Supervisory Board member personally

or by a member’s cohabiting spouse, minor child (not of full age) or any

other intermediary must be registered, either in a registered account

managed by the holder of the Company’s register or in the books of a

French custodian account keeper whose details shall be provided to

the Board’s Secretary;

• members are not permitted to engage in any short or deferred

transaction involving derivatives or financial instruments relating

to securities issued by the Company (financial futures, warrants,

exchangeable bonds, etc.); and

• transactions involving Rothschild & Co shares, including hedging

transactions effected during the 30 calendar days prior to the

publication of the annual statutory and consolidated financial

statements, half-yearly financial statements and (where applicable)

the full quarterly financial statements (such period being reduced to

15 days in respect of the publication of quarterly financial information)

and on the publication date may not be undertaken by Supervisory

Board members or any other person who attended the Supervisory

Board meeting at which the results were reviewed. The same rule

applies with respect to the announcement of projected annual and

half-yearly results.