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Rothschild & Co | Annual Report 2017   


1. Overview

4. Financial statements


Management report

2. Business review

(1) To be deducted from the aggregate limit fixed by resolution No. 19 adopted by the General Meeting of shareholders of 28 September 2017 to €70 million for the share capital securities.

(2) To be deducted from the aggregate limit fixed by resolution No. 23 adopted by the General Meeting of shareholders of 29 September 2016 to €300 million for the debt instruments.

(3) It is specified that the increases of share capital with waiver of preferential subscription rights resulting from the implementation of the 18


, 19


and 25


authorisations to the Managing Partner

are capped at a common ceiling of €15 million.

(4) See details on page 55.

2 Delegations of authority granted by the shareholders of Rothschild & Co to the

Company’s Managing Partner relating to the share capital

The following table summarises the outstanding delegations granted to the Company’s Managing Partner remain in force and in use during the nine

months ended 31 December 2017.






Period of


Use during the

2017 financial


Combined General Meeting of 28 September 2017

To issue shares, without preferential subscription rights, reserved for

(i) the Group’s employees and corporate officers and (ii) the foreign

subsidiaries in the context of the implementation of the stock option plans

17 Limited to 1.5% of

the share capital 


18 months None

To issue securities granting immediate or deferred access to the

share capital reserved for members of a corporate savings plan

18 Limited to a nominal 

amount of €1 million 


26 months None

Combined General Meeting of 29 September 2016

To decrease, in one or several transactions, the share capital by

cancelling treasury shares

15 Limited to 10% of the share

capital per 24-month period

26 months None

To increase, in one or several transactions, the share capital by

incorporation of all or part of reserves, income or issue, merger or

contribution premiums, by granting bonus shares, by increasing the

par value of existing shares or by using such two methods jointly

16 Limited to a nominal

amount of €50 million

26 months None

To issue, in one or several transactions, transferable securities

with preferential subscription rights, giving access to the Company’s

share capital

17 Limited to a nominal amount

of €70 million (share capital



or €300 million

(debt instrument) 


26 months None

To issue, in one or several transactions, transferable securities

with waiver of preferential subscription rights, giving access to the

Company’s share capital by public offer

18 Limited to a nominal

amount of

€15 million 


(capital share

securities) or €200 million

(debt instrument) 


26 months None

To issue, in one or several transactions, transferable securities with

waiver of preferential subscription rights and free fixing of issue price,

giving access to the Company’s share capital

19 Limited to 10% of the share

capital per year 



share securities) or €200

million (debt instrument) 


26 months None

To increase the number of securities to be issued when increasing the

share capital with waiver or not of preferential subscription rights

20 To be deducted from the

individual limit as stipulated

in the resolution in respect

of the initial



26 months None

To grant options to subscribe for or purchase the Company’s shares to

employees and corporate officers of the Company and/or associated


21 Limited to 10% of the

share capital as of the

date of the General

Meeting of shareholders of

29 September 2016 


(with a

specific limit of 0.72% for the

Company’s executive officers)

38 months Share capital




decided on 21

July 2017, 30

Nov. 2017 and

29 Dec. 2017

following the

exercise of



To issue of ordinary shares in order to remunerate contributions in

kind granted to the Company consisting of equities or securities giving

access to the share capital

25 Limited to 10% of

the share capital 


26 months None

Combined General Meeting of 24 September 2015

To grant bonus shares to employees and corporate officers of the

Company and/or associated companies

14 5% of the share capital as

of the date of the decision

to grant bonus shares

38 months None