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Rothschild & Co | Annual Report 2017

Level 3: instruments measured using models that are not commonly used and/or that draw on non-observable inputs

Level 3 comprises instruments which are measured, at least in part, on the basis of non-observable market data which is liable to impact the valuation

materially. This could include:

• unquoted shares whose fair value could not be determined using observable inputs and for which the net asset value is the best approximation of fair

value at the closing date; or

• shares of private equity funds or investments managed by third parties, for which the manager and third-party assessor has published a net asset

value, using a valuation technique incorporating parameters that are not directly observable, or using observable inputs with a significant adjustment

which is not observed; or

• more generally, all unquoted equity investments for which the Group uses a valuation technique (comparable valuation multiple, transaction multiple),

as described above, but which incorporates parameters that are not directly observable. Such parameters might include cash flow forecasts for a DCF,

a discount rate which incorporates a risk premium, or an illiquidity discount; for all of these, the parameters may not be directly observable in the market.

2 Fair value of financial instruments

Carried at amortised cost

In millions of euro




Fair value

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Financial assets

Cash and amounts due from central banks

3,868.9 3,868.9

– 3,868.9

Loans and advances to banks

1,730.2 1,730.2

– 1,730.2

Loans and advances to customers

2,989.9 2,987.1

– 2,947.7



8,589.0 8,586.2

– 8,546.8


Financial liabilities

Due to banks and other financial institutions

636.4 647.6

– 647.6

Due to customers

7,771.0 7,771.0

– 7,771.0

Debt securities in issue





8,503.0 8,514.2

– 8,514.2

In millions of euro




Fair value

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Financial assets

Cash and amounts due from central banks

3,907.4 3,907.4

– 3,907.4

Loans and advances to banks

1,918.1 1,918.1

– 1,918.1

Loans and advances to customers

2,867.3 2,858.5

– 2,801.3



8,692.8 8,684.0

– 8,626.8


Financial liabilities

Due to banks and other financial institutions

461.0 463.0

– 463.0

Due to customers

8,063.3 8,063.3

– 8,063.3

Debt securities in issue

139.6 139.6

– 139.6


8,663.9 8,665.9

– 8,665.9

Notes to the consolidated financial statements