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Rothschild & Co | Annual Report 2017   


1. Overview

4. Financial statements


Management report

2. Business review

As the Group’s parent company and financial holding company, Rothschild

& Co is in charge of the consolidated prudential supervision of its

consolidated entities and of the implementation and the monitoring of

the efficacy of the internal control system at the Group level. This involves

the elaboration of procedures and policies implemented homogeneously.

Policies were implemented through different sharing initiatives and

harmonisation of best practices. Almost 40 different policies are currently

implemented in the Group throughout all five main regions of the world

with almost 50% of them reviewed in the course of the 2017 financial year.

Employees’ awareness regarding those matters is ensured by dedicated

training sessions and the disclosures of guides on the Group’s intranet.

Regarding the fight against corruption, the Group requires from its employees

to act with honesty and integrity and has a zero-tolerance approach.

Involvement in any form of corruption has serious consequences, including

dismissal or termination of employment. A Group Policy on Anti-Corruption

has been established, in order to comply with the applicable regulations

such as the UK Bribery Act which aims at preventing such crimes.

It deals, for instance, with the acceptance or the offering of gifts and

entertainment by employees within the framework of their jobs since this

might lead to a suspicious or reprehensible situations. In order to avoid

such situations, each entity must determine proportionate limits for the

acceptance or the offering of gifts that do not require approval. Any gift or

entertainment that exceeds these limits must be approved by the relevant

head and the local Compliance function. In addition to this, persons to

whom this policy applies must not accept gifts such as cash or any other

gift convertible into cash such as shares, share options or bonds.

Recent developments in France with the so-called “Loi Sapin 2” will

complete and reinforce the Group’s anti-corruption framework.

Regulators continue to emphasise the need for financial institutions to link

risk, behaviour and variable remuneration by ensuring that incentives for

employees (especially financial), foster a culture of appropriate risk-taking,

compliance and good governance.

Accordingly, during 2017 and consistent with the Group’s high standards and

the expectations of its regulators, Rothschild & Co has decided to introduce

in 2018 a new process to provide a more empirical and demonstrable link

between the fulfilment of compliance and risk obligations and ratings made

in the annual Performance Review Process, including variable remuneration,

if applicable.

From January 2018, the following data (collected by local and Group

compliance) will be used for this purpose:

• completion of mandatory Group-wide and local compliance training;

• compliance attestations (e.g. personal account dealing /outside

business interests, compliance manual comprehension, etc.); and/or

• operational risk incidents and breaches revealed as a result of risk and

compliance monitoring or reviews.

As part of the annual appraisal process, these records will be analysed

to determine whether an individual has met the Group’s expectations. A

“cluster” of employees with a high number of breaches in the same team

will also be taken into consideration in assessing their managers.

5.5 Measures implemented to promote

consumers Health & Safety

Given the Group’s activities, there is no specific need to implement

measures to promote clients’ Health & Safety.

Paris Office has to report directly to the CNIL all new private data treatments

(of clients’ and staff’s private data) in concordance with its procedures.

The safety of servers and records systems (and therefore sensitive and

confidential data) is ensured by groups of security driven by the Active

Directory (AD). Depending on the rights attributed to AD groups, the user

may or may not have access to files in read-only or in read/write. All new

joiners are made aware of the best practices regarding the security of

information by the head of the security information system.

The firm has implemented a programme of work to address the General

Data Protection Regulation that comes into force on 25 May 2018. The

firm has obtained legal advice on the approach to this legislation and a

wide-ranging, risk-based project is well underway. The focus of remediation

activity has been on areas of the firm that manage large amounts of

personal data. A data protection framework has been put in place, including

governance through appropriate Rothschild & Co committees, an updated

data protection policy and an awareness and education exercise across the


The Audit Committee and the Risk Committee, both specialised committees

of the Supervisory Board of Rothschild & Co, are kept informed on the

implementation of the technical and organisational controls designed to

demonstrate a proportionate level of compliance with the General Data

Protection Regulation.

5.6 Other actions implemented to promote

human rights

Rothschild & Co does not carry out activities to promote human rights, other

than those mentioned in the previous sections of this report.