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Rothschild & Co | Annual Report 2017

Corporate Social Responsibility

The following are just a few examples of the ways in which we made a

contribution in 2017:

Tutoring with The Access Project in the UK

The Access Project matches motivated students from economically

disadvantaged backgrounds with high-flying graduates for weekly one-to-

one tutorials with the aim of raising the students’ grades to enable them

to apply to top-tier universities. This year at Rothschild & Co’s London

office more than 40 volunteers tutored students for an hour each week,

primarily in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths subjects. Students

participating in Access Project tutoring are 13 percentage points more

likely to be placed at a top third university than those from a matched

control group.

Careers inspiration in Germany

Colleagues in Germany worked this year on a career pathways project

with Salzmannschule, a Frankfurt school with a higher than normal

percentage of disadvantaged students. Volunteers led visits to raise

awareness of local employment opportunities, including a trip for

20 students to see behind the scenes at the local Opel plant where

they learned about a range of careers in automotive mechanics and

mechatronics as well as finding out about the history of Opel, the

founder and his family and its market position today.

The students were shown the whole car manufacturing process, from

concept origination to the realisation of the final product, and were

enthusiastic and keen to find out more about the available jobs and

pathways to achieving them. One student described the event as

“a great excursion – an informative and exciting morning which has

given me some new perspectives”.

Sharing professional skills in France

Employees in France continued to develop their partnership with The Epic

Foundation, a global not-for-profit start-up which aims to make it easier

for companies and individuals to give with confidence. Epic selects highly

effective charities supporting children and young people globally and

carries out rigorous due diligence on them. This year, in addition to donating

money to four Epic charities – (France); The Brilliant Club (UK);

Gastromotiva (Brazil) and Prerana (India) – Rothschild & Co employees

spent time working with the Epic team to challenge and improve their

due diligence processes. The partnership has also led to opportunities

for the young people supported by Epic charities to attend interview skills

workshops at Rothschild & Co offices.

Promoting STEM in North America

Employees in New York this year engaged with more than 100 children aged

6 to 12 in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) project run by

the Madison Square Boys and Girls club. The club’s mission is to enhance

the lives of underprivileged children by providing them with a safe and

positive place where they feel physically and emotionally safe.

The STEM project involved 30 Rothschild employees in an afternoon

of teaching and learning at the Columbus Clubhouse in the Bronx. The

volunteers joined forces with the clubhouse staff to guide the children

through the project using tablets donated by the firm. They also helped

with homework, leading a Group reading and vocabulary exercise and

assisting with arts and crafts projects.

Rothschild & Co’s Community Partners in 2017 included:

• The Access Project

• Ashoka

• Beyond Me

• Bow School

• The Brokerage


• Caritas

• Children’s Village

• City Year

• Epic Foundation

• Hatch Enterprise

• IntoUniversity

• Madison Square Boys

and Girls Club

• Niddaschule

• Pencil

• Pro Juventute

• Right to Succeed

• Salzmanschule

• Speakers Trust

• STEM Skills Fund

• Teach First

• Team Up

• Teens and Toddlers

• Tower Hamlets EBP

• Villiers Park

Educational Trust

5.3 Subcontractors and suppliers

5.3.1 Integration of social and environmental

issues into the company procurement policy

Rothschild & Co aims to develop a Group responsible purchasing policy.

The Group is currently in the process of finalising a United Kingdom

Purchasing Policy that will address a range of matters from procurement

process to aspects such as environment, diversity, health and safety and

the modern slave trade. The next stage would then be to approach other

offices with the intent of developing a global purchasing policy.

In the United Kingdom, N M Rothschild & Sons Limited and Rothschild

Wealth Management (UK) Limited are obliged pursuant to the Modern

Slavery Act (the “MSA”) to report on the steps each has taken to ensure

that slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in their business

or in their supply chains. Annually, each undertakes a risk assessment

concerning the potential for vulnerabilities in relation to slavery and human

trafficking and considers the control mechanisms in place that attempt

to mitigate such risks. As required by the MSA, the relevant reports are

published on Rothschild & Co’s internet website



5.3.2 Importance of subcontracting and

consideration, in the relationship with

subcontractors and suppliers of their social

and environmental responsibility

Given the Group’s activities, subcontracting is not significant.

The Group does not yet undertake formal supply chain risk assessments.

However, in some circumstances and where larger suppliers are involved,

more detailed assessment of environmental credentials has been

carried out.

In due course and where appropriate, the Group EH&S Committee will

investigate options for providing Rothschild & Co and Group entities with

a supplier engagement tool to help consider the social and environmental

responsibility policies of prospective significant suppliers in a more

structured way.

5.4 Fair business and practices

The Group conducts its activities with a high level of professional ethics with

the clients’ interests as its priority. This is done by implementing a rigorous

internal control system and risk control adapted to the Group’s size and

covered activities.

More details on the Group’s internal control and risk control structure are

presented in the section related to internal control, risk management and

accounting procedures on pages 66 onwards of the management report.