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Rothschild & Co | Annual Report 2017

Corporate Social Responsibility

Total energy use

Total energy use in MWh



(12 months)



(12 months)

Total Energy Consumed






No sites are located in or adjacent to areas of high biodiversity value and

the Group does not consider its land use to be of material environmental

risk. However, it remains mindful of the impacts of land use and will protect,

as far as practicable, biodiversity affected by the Group’s operations.

4.4 Climate Change

4.4.1 Adaptation to the consequences

of climate change

In the 2016/2017 financial year, Rothschild & Co outlined its position

on climate change (please refer to page 103 In the same financial year

Rothschild & Co established its Group Environment Policy. This policy will

help it adapt to climate change challenges.

4.4.2 Significant greenhouse gas emissions items

generated as a result of the Group’s activity,

particularly by the use of goods and services


Rothschild & Co’s greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions are calculated

as tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO


e), a universal unit of

measurement expressing the impact of each of the Kyoto GHGs in terms

of the amount of CO


that would create the same amount of warming.

Rothschild & Co calculates tCO


e by multiplying its activity data, for example

waste incineration, landfill and miles travelled by air, by the UK DEFRA-

approved conversion factors.

The Group’s emissions reporting is in respect of its operational activities

and includes Scope 1 and 2 emissions, and Scope 3 emissions in respect

of business travel, water supply and wastewater treatment, materials, waste

disposal, and electricity transmission and distribution losses.

The GHG emissions data table below does not include emissions associated

with investments from Asset Management and Merchant Banking divisions.

Rothschild & Co recognises that, although not quantified, Scope 3

emissions from Asset Management and Merchant Banking divisions are

a significant source of impact 



In line with reporting from last financial year and best practice, Rothschild &

Co has again produced a “dual report” for Scope 2 GHG emission. This

“dual reporting” uses both location and market-based reporting methods.

The location-based method is the historical way in which Rothschild & Co

reports GHG emissions. This method uses energy grid average emission

factors in location specific geographies and over specific timeframes.

Using guidance from the GHG Protocol, Rothschild & Co now also reports

GHG emissions using market-based methodology.

The Scope 2 market-based figure reflects emissions from electricity

purchasing decisions that Rothschild & Co makes. When quantifying

emissions using the market-based approach, and where possible, a tariff

specific emissions factor is used (for example, some office locations choose

to purchase electricity generated from 100% renewable sources, and can

therefore account emissions associated with electricity consumption at

these sites as zero). Where tariff specific emission factors are unavailable,

a supplier specific emissions factor is used, and where there is a lack of

availability of tariff specific emissions factors, a residual mix emissions

factor is used. As a final option, whereby the three previous emissions

factors are not available, the location-based grid emissions factor is used.

This approach is in line with the GHG Protocol Scope 2 Data Hierarchy.

Scope 2 location-based GHG emissions from electricity use have fallen. This

is due to in part to some office reconfigurations which reduced occupied

floor space, and the drop in some location based emissions factors. This

is the second year the Group has reported on Scope 2 market-based GHG

emissions; this figure continues to be influenced by offices moving to

purchase 100% renewable electricity.

The reduction in Scope 2 emissions has been negated by an increase in

Scope 1 and 3 emissions, namely from business travel, hence total Group

GHG emissions have increased by 5% overall.

Greenhouse Gas emissions data

Group Scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions

(Scope 3 emissions being split between business travel and other Scope 3


Scope 2 – Energy

Indirect Emissions,

(e.g. from purchased

electricity or heat)

Scope 3 – Other

Indirect Emissions

from Business Travel

Scope 3 – Other

Indirect Emissions

from Other Sources

(e.g. material use)

Scope 1 – Direct

Emissions, (e.g. from

owned sources like

vehicles or boilers)





(1) Over the next 12 months, Rothschild & Co will look in more detail at quantifying this impact, as a first step to taking more appropriate measures.