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Rothschild & Co | Annual Report 2017

Corporate Social Responsibility

4.4.5 Information on how the investment

decision-making process takes environmental,

social and governance (ESG) criteria into


Rothschild & Co provides a comprehensive range of private wealth

services to some of the world’s wealthiest and most successful families,

entrepreneurs, foundations and charities.

As a global specialist asset manager delivering bespoke investment

management and advisory services to institutional clients, financial

intermediaries, and third-party distributors, the Group understands that

consistent performance must be delivered in the long-term.

ESG approaches to investment decision-making are the responsibility

of the individual business entities. By taking this approach, Group entities

recognise risks and opportunities relevant to their own investment

strategies and can address ESG criteria appropriately.

In 2017, the Group conducted an analysis of its ESG and Responsible

Investment (RI) landscape. All major Group entities have or are in the

process of developing an ESG policy and all are investigating becoming

UN PRI signatories. Two entities, Rothschild Martin Maurel and Five Arrows

Managers, two of Rothschild & Co’s asset management and/or private

banking entities, are already UN PRI signatories.

Over the next 12 months, Rothschild & Co will evaluate the requirements

and define the means needed to contribute towards financing the energy

and ecological transition.

4.5 Measures taken to preserve or develop


No specific measures have been taken thus far to preserve or further

develop biodiversity at Group level. With that said, Rothschild & Co is

committed to protecting, as far as practicable, biodiversity affected by the

Group’s operations. This commitment stems from the Rothschild family’s

long standing historical links to species discovery and protection. It is for

this reason that the Group supports the Sustainable Development Goal 15

defined by the United Nations (Life on Land). In due course, the Group will

investigate how it can best contribute to this goal and further preserve or

develop biodiversity.

Additional notes for Section 4 Environment Information

General data notes

The reporting period is from 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2017.

The total Group FTE headcount used to calculate the environmental

impact per FTE uses HR finance headcount data provided by the Global HR

team. This figure is added to the headcount manually reported by the site

Environmental Advocates, of third-party, service provider or contractor

headcount. The result of adding the two headcount numbers is used to

calculate the impact per FTE (Impact/FTE).

Impact per FTE is used to normalise the total impact against headcount.

The full time equivalent headcount (FTE) is taken from the human resources

(HR) system as a “snapshot in time” on 31 December 2017. Third party

service provider or contractor employee headcount is not captured by the

HR system; instead, this headcount is manually captured and added to the

HR FTE figure provided by HR.

In order of largest headcount, the scope of offices measured for

environmental impact in 2017 was the same as in 2016/2017. Specifically,

the offices providing environmental data were Brussels, Frankfurt, Geneva,

Guernsey, Hong Kong, Johannesburg, London, Madrid, Milan, Mumbai, New

York, Paris, Singapore, Sydney and Zurich.

Where assumptions, estimates or changes have been made, this is

explained in the following notes for each section.

Waste disposal data notes

Total waste data from the Frankfurt office is now provided by the building

management. In previous years the office estimated their waste based on

information provided by the city authorities. The building management have

confirmed that they do not compost any waste, hence no figure is recorded

in 2017.

Improvements to data collection caused four sites to re-state the figures

they provided for the financial year ended 31 March 2017 which has

affected the Reuse, Recycling, Anaerobic Digestion and Incineration values

previously reported. The change to the Anaerobic Digestion figure has also

caused a revision to the Food Waste total for the financial year ended

31 March 2017.

Materials use data notes

Improvements to data collection have caused three sites to revise the

calculations provided for office paper, paper towels and plastics for the

financial year ended on 31 March 2017.

Energy consumption data notes

Greenhouse Gas Emissions have been calculated using 2017 DEFRA

emissions factors.

The total electricity figure is reported as CO


e, however non-United Kingdom

electricity emissions are in tCO


. DEFRA national electricity factors for

non-United Kingdom offices are no longer available. Only for CO



accessible from the International Energy Agency.

One office reported a correction to the electricity consumption figure

reported for the financial year ended 31 March 2017.

Water use data notes

Additional information supplied by one landlord enabled one site to revise

their water consumption data for the financial year ended on 31 March

2017, and provide an accurate measurement for the period.

GHG emissions data notes

Energy (Scope 2)

An updated Energy Factor for one office/country has resulted in a decrease

of 55.58 tCO


e, while one office revised the electricity consumption

reported for financial year ended on 31 March 2017.

Both actions have resulted in an increase in market based Scope 2

emissions of 100.7 tCO


for the financial year ended on 31 March 2017.