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Rothschild & Co | Annual Report 2017

1 Regulatory context

Rothschild & Co is on the list of the financial holding companies supervised

by the

Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution

(“ACPR”) on a

consolidated basis. The rules which impact upon the Group arrangements

for risk management systems and controls are set out in the French

Monetary and Financial Code

(Code monétaire et financier)

and the Order

dated 3 November 2014, which defines the conditions for implementing

and monitoring internal control systems in banks and investment firms. The

Order dated 3 November 2014 lays down the principles relating to control

systems for transactions and internal procedures, accounting systems and

information processing, risk and performance measurement systems, risk

supervision and control systems, and internal control documentation and

reporting systems.

As required by the Order dated 3 November 2014, the Group internal

control system established by Rothschild & Co operates a distinction

between organisations and managers in charge of permanent control

(including compliance, anti-money laundering and risk management)

and periodic control (i.e. internal audit).

The internal control system of Rothschild & Co must also take into account,

as appropriate, the AMF


General Regulations (the “AMF Regulations”),

local regulations applicable to branches and subsidiaries outside France

and to specialised operations such as portfolio management, the most

widely accepted industry practices in this area and the recommendations

of international bodies dealing with the capital adequacy framework of

international banks, foremost among which are the Basel Committee, the

Financial Stability Board and the European authorities (European Banking

Authority, European Securities and Markets Authority).

2 Definition, objectives and scope of

internal control

The internal control system refers to Rothschild & Co’s own internal control

system and the Group’s internal control system on a consolidated basis.

The internal control system seeks to provide directors, officers and

shareholders with reasonable assurance that the following objectives

are achieved:

• the effectiveness and efficiency of the entity’s operations;

• the prevention and detection of fraud;

• compliance with laws and regulations, internal standards and rules;

• the reliability of accounting and financial information; and

• protection of the entity’s assets.

It also fulfils the internal control objectives specific to financial companies

supervised by the ACPR on a consolidated basis.

3 Organisation of internal control

The Group’s internal control framework is based on the “three lines of

defence” model. The first line comprises front line management from the

business itself. The second line includes independent Risk, Compliance

(including AML/CFT) and Legal functions and to a lesser extent Finance

and Human Resources to monitor on a continuous basis the activity of

the front line management, and the third line comprises Internal Audit –

which exercises periodic surveillance of the Group’s activities and

support functions.

The Three Lines of Defence for identifying, evaluating and managing risks

First Line of Defence

Second Line of Defence

Third Line of Defence

It is the responsibility of senior management

in each of the Group’s business lines

to establish and maintain effective risk

management systems and to support risk

management best practice.

Comprises specialist Group support functions

including: Risk, Compliance, Legal, Finance

and Human Resources.

These functions provide:

• operational and technical guidance;

• advice to management at Group level and

operating entity level;

• independent challenge to the businesses; and

• assistance in the identification, assessment,

management, measurement, monitoring and

reporting of financial and non-financial risks.

Provides independent objective assurance on the

effectiveness of the control procedures including

those relating to the management of risks across

the entire Group.

This is provided by the Group’s Internal Audit


Internal control, risk management and accounting procedures