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Rothschild & Co | Annual Report 2017

4.2 Shareholders’ Agreement

dated 8 June 2012

The AMF has published the main provisions of this agreement (the

“Rothschild & Co Shareholders’ Agreement”) (AMF Decision & Information

No. 212C0752 dated 13 June 2012 and Decision & Information No.

212C0783 dated 19 June 2012). These are summarised below:

• The shareholders act in concert. They shall use their best endeavours

to reach a consensus as to how they shall vote at each General Meeting

of shareholders of Rothschild & Co. If they fail to reach a consensus,

they undertake to vote in accordance with the recommendations made

by the Chairman of Rothschild Concordia SAS (Mr. David de Rothschild

at the date of this report).

• Each of the shareholders concerned has undertaken to keep at least

the following proportions of the Rothschild & Co shares issued to them

as remuneration for the transfers approved by the General Meeting of

shareholders of 8 June 2012:

–– 100% for the 12 months as from 8 June 2012; and

–– 50% during the subsequent 24-month period.

• In the event of a sale or transfer of Rothschild & Co shares by a

shareholder, Rothschild Concordia SAS has a right of first refusal

(together with a right of substitution, in the exercise of this right by

Rothschild Concordia SAS, by any person it chooses providing said

person acts in concert with it). Rothschild Concordia SAS’s right of first

refusal applies to all Rothschild & Co shares held by any shareholder at

8 June 2012, whether the shares came into the shareholder’s

possession as a result of the transfers approved by the General Meeting

of shareholders of 8 June 2012 or by any other means.

• Rothschild Concordia SAS may exercise its right of first refusal (i.e. the

priority right to acquire shares) in respect of all or part of the shares

concerned, at a price equal to the volume weighted average price of the

Rothschild & Co shares on Euronext Paris during the 20 trading days

preceding the date of notification to Rothschild Concordia SAS by the

shareholder concerned.

• Rothschild Concordia SAS’s right of first refusal shall also apply in the

case of the sale or transfer by a shareholder of preferential subscription

rights, preference rights or share subscription warrants issued or

allocated by Rothschild & Co in the context of a capital increase.

• The shareholders shall receive the totality of the dividends distributed

by Rothschild & Co in respect of the shares they hold and shall dispose

of these amounts freely. However, if these dividends are paid in

Rothschild & Co shares, the shares thus received shall be governed by

the agreement in the same way as the shares in respect of which the

dividend in shares was received.

• The shareholders are free (subject to the legal regulations, particularly

those relating to insider trading) to acquire additional shares in

Rothschild & Co, it being specified that such shares will not be governed

by the agreement and that any shareholders planning to increase their

shareholdings in Rothschild & Co must first:

–– inform the other shareholders in order to assess the impact of the

planned increase on the shareholders’ overall shareholdings in

Rothschild & Co, and

–– if necessary, obtain all derogations to any obligation to make a

tender offer for the Rothschild & Co shares and/or the relevant

authorisations from the supervisory bodies.

It is hereby specified that the Rothschild & Co Shareholders’ Agreement

also provided that the parties to this agreement have a right to give their

shares to their family members or their controlled companies. In case of

transfer, such shares will still be subject to the terms of the Rothschild & Co

Shareholders’ Agreement (including the agreement to act in concert with

respect to those shares).

In this respect, the AMF was informed that Messrs. Eric de Rothschild and

Olivier Pécoux, both members of the family concert, donated, in July 2012,

a part of their Rothschild & Co shares to members of their families, who

also became members of the Enlarged Family Concert upon the AMF having

received notification of the donations. Their adherence to the Rothschild &

Co Shareholders’ Agreement was formalised by the execution of an

amendment to the Shareholders’ Agreement, without modification to its

main terms and conditions.

On 7 January 2015, the AMF was informed of the adherence of Messrs.

Nicolas Bonnault, Laurent Baril, Philippe Le Bourgeois and CD GFA SARL to

the Rothschild & Co Shareholders’ Agreement. On this occasion, the AMF

was informed of the execution of a second amendment to the Rothschild &

Co Shareholders’ Agreement whose main provisions were published by the

AMF and made available on its website (AMF Decision & Information

No. 215C0073 of 14 January 2015).

On 6 January 2017, the AMF was informed of the substitution of Compagnie

Financière Martin Maurel by Mr. Bernard Maurel, Mrs. Lucie Maurel-Aubert

and BD Maurel within the Enlarged Family Concert following the merger

with Compagnie Financière Martin Maurel (AMF Decision & Information

No. 217C0092 of 9 January 2017). On this occasion, a third amendment to

the Rothschild & Co Shareholders’ Agreement has been executed in order to

reflect such change and to acknowledge the adherence to the Shareholders’

Agreement by the family holding companies of some signatories.

The Rothschild & Co Shareholders Agreement (and its successive

amendments) was still in force on 31 December 2017.

Information on the Company and share capital