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Rothschild & Co | Annual Report 2017   


1. Overview

4. Financial statements


Management report

2. Business review

3.5 Controlling shares held by entities controlled by the Company

As at 31 December 2017, a total of 1,447,394 shares were held by entities controlled by Rothschild & Co, representing 1.87% of the share capital. These

shares are by nature without voting rights.

Entities controlled by Rothschild & Co

Rothschild & Co shares held

as at 31/12/2017

% of the Rothschild & Co share


N M Rothschild & Sons Ltd 




Other controlled entities which hold shares pursuant to the Equity Scheme regulations 




Other controlled entities which hold shares pursuant to non-cash instruments plans 




Other controlled entities which hold shares for other purposes


Less than 0.01%

(1) Out of these 1,240,507 shares, 183,456 shares are held pursuant to the Equity Scheme regulations and non-cash instruments plan.

(2) Controlling shares purchased under the Equity Schemes, described on page 56 and following, as part of the Rothschild & Co shares investment by certain employees of the Group.

(3) Compensation policy implemented to satisfy regulatory requirement on delivery of compensation under CRD 3 to Regulated Persons within the Group.

4 Shareholders’ agreements

4.1 Shareholders’ Agreements

dated 22 January 2008

4.1.1 Rothschild Concordia Shareholders’


The AMF has published the main provisions of this agreement, entered into

on 25 January 2008 between shareholders of Rothschild Concordia SAS

(Decision & Information No. 208C0180). The main provisions, in particular

with respect to Rothschild & Co or the Group, are as follows:

• the Board of Directors of Rothschild Concordia SAS is comprised of

12 members, each of the three branches of the Rothschild family

appointing four members (including three members representing the

Rothschild family and an independent member). This power of

appointment will be reduced to two members if the concerned branch’s

participation drops below 15% of the share capital and will be removed

if the participation drops below 5% of the share capital;

• a certain number of decisions by the Board of Directors of Rothschild

Concordia SAS on specific matters (the “Reserved Matters”) are voted

by a majority of 75% of its members. They include among others:

–– any investment by Rothschild Concordia SAS other than in Rothschild

& Co or within the Group;

–– any decisions relating to Rothschild Concordia SAS’s vote in

Rothschild & Co’s Extraordinary General Meetings;

–– any sale of Rothschild & Co shares or any transaction resulting in a

reduction of Rothschild Concordia SAS’s interests in Rothschild & Co

or any transactions resulting in the loss of control of N M Rothschild

& Sons Ltd; and

–– any action involving the sale, alienation or licensing to a third party

of the “Rothschild” name or of any associated intellectual property


• all decisions of the Board of Directors of Rothschild Concordia SAS other

than with respect to a Reserved Matter shall be voted on by a simple

majority of the votes cast at the meeting of the Board of Directors. It

includes Rothschild Concordia SAS’s votes in Rothschild & Co’s Ordinary

General Meetings (in particular decisions relating to the appointment of

the members of the Supervisory Board of Rothschild & Co);

• the Chairman of Rothschild Concordia SAS will consult with the Board of

Directors of Rothschild Concordia SAS, prior to any decision or action by

the Supervisory Board of Rothschild & Co, with the objective of reaching

consensus at the Rothschild Concordia SAS level on matters likely to

have an impact on the Rothschild & Co Group;

• for a duration of 10 years as from the date of the Rothschild Concordia

Shareholders’ Agreement, unless decided otherwise by at least 90%

of Rothschild Concordia SAS’s shareholders, no transfer of the shares

to any third party or any exit transaction (as defined in the Rothschild

Concordia Shareholders’ Agreement) is authorised;

• no Rothschild Concordia SAS shareholder may, directly or indirectly,

alone or in concert with any person, acquire any Rothschild & Co shares

or take any action that may trigger the requirement to file a mandatory

offer for Rothschild & Co without first consulting the Board of Directors

of Rothschild Concordia SAS; and

• Rothschild Concordia SAS shall have priority over other shareholders

in respect of any potential acquisition of Rothschild & Co.

Rothschild Concordia Shareholders’ Agreement was still in force as at

31 December 2017.

4.1.2 Share Disposal Agreement

On 22 January 2008, Rothschild & Co (formerly known as Paris Orléans),

the Eranda Rothschild Foundation and Rothschild & Co entered into a Share

Disposal Agreement, the main provisions of which related to the terms

and conditions of the transfer by the Eranda Rothschild Foundation of its

Rothschild & Co shares. This Share Disposal Agreement is no longer in force

at 31 December 2017 to the extent that the Eranda Rothschild Foundation

sold its shareholding in Rothschild & Co on 22 June 2017 (please refer to

Section 3.1.2 for more details).