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Rothschild & Co | Annual Report 2017   


1. Overview

4. Financial statements


Management report

2. Business review

4.3 “Dutreil” agreements (

pactes Dutreil


The following agreements, falling within the scope of the Dutreil Act and concluded or still in force in 2017, were communicated to the Company:

Governed by

Date of signature Collective

commitment to

retain shares

% of share

capital and voting

rights covered

by agreement

Signatories who hold the quality of

corporate officer within the meaning of

Article L. 621-18-2 of the French Monetary

and Financial Code 




CGI Art. 885 I bis


20 Dec. 2012 Six years from

registration date

(i.e., 27 Dec. 2018)

Over 20% of

share capital

and voting rights

• Rothschild & Co Gestion SAS, Managing Partner

• David de Rothschild, Chairman of Rothschild &

Co Gestion SAS, Managing Partner



CGI Art. 885 I bis


27 Dec. 2012 Six years from

registration date

(i.e., until 28 Dec.


Over 20% of

share capital

and voting rights

• Rothschild & Co Gestion SAS, Managing Partner

• David de Rothschild, Chairman of Rothschild &

Co Gestion SAS, Managing Partner

• Eric de Rothschild, Chairman of the

Supervisory Board

• François Henrot, non voting member of the

Supervisory Board



CGI Art. 787 B


7 July 2017

Two years from

registration date

(i.e., until 7 July 2019)

• Rothschild & Co Gestion SAS, Managing Partner



CGI Art. 787 B


8 Dec. 2017 Two years from

registration date

(i.e., until 12 Dec. 2019)

Over 20% of

share capital

and voting rights

• Rothschild & Co Gestion SAS, Managing Partner

• David de Rothschild, Chairman of Rothschild &

Co Gestion SAS, Managing Partner

(1) As of this report.

4.4 Other shareholders’ agreements

Within the context of the Group’s reorganisation in June 2012 approved by

the shareholders at the General Meeting held on 8 June 2012 



agreements were concluded. In this context, shareholders’ agreements

were signed with the contributor shareholders, not members of the

Enlarged Family Concert, which contributed their interests in Rothschild &

Compagnie Banque SCS and their shares in Financière Rabelais SAS.

The contributors, not members of the Enlarged Family Concert, of interests

in Rothschild & Compagnie Banque SCS and shares in Financière Rabelais

SAS are under an obligation to hold all the Rothschild & Co shares received in

exchange for their contributions for lock-up periods ranging from 1 to 18 years

and also have an obligation to notify Rothschild & Co and Rothschild Concordia

SAS before any sale of said shares. Some of these agreements, which concern

natural persons occupying functions within the Group, grant Rothschild & Co a

call option on the shares in the event the shareholder ceases to occupy his/

her functions before the end of the applicable lock-up period.

(1) Detailed information on the Company’s reorganisation is provided in the Document E filed with the AMF on 16 May 2012 under registration No. E.12-019 and attached to the Executive Board’s

report presented to the General Meeting of shareholders on 8 June 2012. These documents are available on Rothschild & Co’s website

