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Rothschild & Co | Annual Report 2017

Corporate Social Responsibility

manager, and there will be sessions on managing mental health in the

workplace later this quarter. In addition, the structured development

programme for Analysts and Associates reached the end of its first

18-month rollout, and it has now been evaluated and amended to create a

broader and more in-depth two-year programme which continues to provide

technical, personal and client skills training alongside on the job training.

A similar programme has also been developed and rolled out in Switzerland,

called the Career Development Programme.

Global Graduate Training Programme

: this programme is run on an

annual basis for Global Advisory, Asset Management, Merchant Banking

and Private Wealth graduates. The programme commences with a

week-long corporate induction covering business-led presentations,

personal development sessions run by external training providers and

concludes with a two-day residential programme. The Global Advisory,

Merchant Banking and Asset Management graduates then undertake a

further four weeks of intensive technical training. The main programme

is based in the United Kingdom but additional training sessions also take

place in the various global offices as necessary.

Compliance Training

: is provided through e-learning and face-to-face

training workshops to all employees globally, depending on their role

and local regulatory requirements.

Performance Review

: line managers are offered training prior to the

Performance Review Process each year to enhance their skills in managing

performance and giving feedback, with a focus on objective setting. In

Private Wealth, several workshops have been held in London and Zurich

and a number of individual coaching sessions for line managers were

organised. With the change of the financial year, the Performance Review

Process has had a light touch approach and we have organised coaching

for managers on a needs basis.

This year has seen an introduction of self-management programmes

supported by our


initiative (please refer to Section 3.7

below for more details). Further courses: “Optimise your Mindset”, “Meet

your Mind”, “Influence and Impact” and “Mindfulness” have been offered


Support, Global Advisory and Private Wealth and Trust


Moreover, in France, management training was organised for employees

whose position has evolved following the merger between Rothschild & Co

and Compagnie Financière Martin Maurel and the legal and economic

reorganisation of the Rothschild & Co and Martin Maurel groups following

the merger (as described in Section 1.4.1 of the Results for 2017 Financial

Year Section – see details on page 51) in order to assist them in facing

these changes. It focused on what skills are required for their new role as


Rothschild & Co does not record the number of training hours for office

locations other than Paris; however, in the UK 261 training events took

place with 2,368 employees from the UK office locations and with staff from

other office locations also attending. In France, a large budget is allocated

to the individual training of employees, in excess of the legal obligations.

In this context, 217 training events were provided, representing 7,530 of

training hours.

In addition to these global training programmes, each office location has

its own training policy and programmes.

3.7 Equal opportunities

Rothschild & Co hires the most talented individuals, from a diverse range

of backgrounds, cultures and experiences and is committed to provide

equal opportunities in employment. In addition, Rothschild & Co aims to

ensure that it, and each office location, will not unlawfully discriminate in

employment because of race, colour, religion or belief, gender, national

or ethnic origin, disability, age, nationality, marriage or civil partnership,

pregnancy or maternity, sexual orientation or gender-reassignment. It is

therefore Rothschild & Co’s policy to make every effort to provide a working

environment free from harassment, intimidation and discrimination,

behaviours which it considers to be unacceptable behaviour.

The policy applies to all areas of employment including recruitment,

the terms and conditions of employment, training, career development,

replacement, promotion, transfer, redundancy, rehiring, benefits,

compensation, retirement and termination.

As an equal opportunity employer, the Group seeks to recruit on the basis

of experience and ability ensuring that the best candidate for the position

is recruited. Only those qualifications and skills which are important to the

role will be the criteria for selection for recruitment and promotion.

Respect for diversity and an inclusive culture are central to the Group’s

success. As such, Rothschild & Co supports various personal development

initiatives including mentoring and membership of networking organisations

and forums to connect its professionals and promote inclusivity across the


Rothschild & Co has been participating in the “

Charte de la Diversité

since 2005. In this regard, the Group aims at having objective criteria in

its recruitment, appraisal and compensation processes and it informs and

trains its managers on this important subject.

The Network for Knowledge (NFK) Committee is a City-wide, cross-firm

organisation in London for women founded by Goldman Sachs International

in 2007. This committee comprises senior women from law firms and banks

including representation from Rothschild & Co. It aims to connect female

professionals from across these fields and to address the issues that affect

their career development. The NFK organises regular networking events,

training sessions and seminars including an annual flagship event. There is

a cross-firm mentoring programme in which a number of professionals from

Rothschild & Co participate.

Mr. David de Rothschild, the Chairman of Rothschild & Co’s Managing

Partner, is one of the 259 members of the 30% Club which aims to increase

female representation on FTSE-350 boards by 2020 from the current

industry average of 24.8% to 30%. This initiative was launched to support

and encourage women’s career development and to garner support from

chairmen and companies to recognise and cultivate talented women up to

board level.