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Rothschild & Co | Annual Report 2017

Corporate Social Responsibility

Rothschild & Co continues to strengthen and improve environmental

compliance and conformance requirements by following the continuous

improvement programme that it implemented during the financial year

ended on 31 March 2017. This includes the minimum conformance

standards to be maintained across all of the Group’s offices.

In 2017, as for the previous year, Rothschild & Co reported environmental

data from 15 office locations: Brussels, Frankfurt, Geneva, Guernsey, Hong

Kong, Johannesburg, London, Madrid, Milan, Mumbai, New York, Paris,

Singapore, Sydney and Zurich. This represents a coverage of approximately

97% of the total coverage by FTE headcount in 2017 



Rothschild & Co has again normalised its total environmental impact

against full-time equivalents (“FTE”), enabling a better understanding of

its impact at a staff level.

The specific metrics measured by the Group, for the year ended on

31 December 2017 (compared with the year ended on 31 March 2017)

are waste production, water use, materials use, energy use and greenhouse

gas (“GHG”) emission.

For the financial year ended on 31 December 2017, total waste has

decreased by over 3%. This decrease has been driven by waste reduction

programmes, more efficient waste separation, staff training and more

accurate data collection for some of the offices reporting for the second

time. In addition, the Group is rolling out more widely and over time a

successfully piloted office food waste separation programme.

Total water use has remained fairly consistent this year. Total materials

use has decreased by about 5%, mainly due to the implementation of

programmes to reduce consumption.

Overall energy consumption saw a slight increase of 3%. This is due to a

rise in gas consumption for one office, where staff comfort demands have

caused the building to run less efficiently.

In line with best practice, the Group has elected to produce a “dual report”

for Scope 2 (predominately electricity consumption) GHG emission. This

“dual reporting” uses both location and market-based reporting methods.

The locations-based methodology is the historical way Rothschild & Co has

reported GHG emissions. This method uses energy grid average emission

factors in location specific geographies and over specific timeframes and

allows Rothschild & Co to compare GHG emissions year on year.

The market-based reporting methodology enables the recognition of

conscious choices made in electricity purchases from 100%

renewable energy.

Total GHG emissions have increased by approximately 5%. Whilst this was

in part due to improvements in data collection for some offices reporting

for the second time, it was also a result of increased Scope 3 emissions,

particularly those related to indirect emissions from business travel.

4.1 General Environment Policy

4.1.1 Company policy addressing environmental

issues and steps taken to evaluate performance

or obtain environmental certification

During the financial year ending on 31 March 2017, Rothschild & Co

implemented its Group Environment Policy, defining the Group’s direction

and approach to responsible environmental management. This Policy

is applicable and adopted by all Group entities, branches and divisions.

The Policy emphasises the desire to make a meaningful and positive

environmental difference as a sustainable business that the Group’s

clients can depend upon.

As mentioned in the introduction of Section 4, the Group’s vision is

underpinned by the six most relevant United Nations Sustainable

Development Goals (“SDGs”) for the Group to address operational

environmental management. These are 



To ensure access to safe water sources and sanitation for all.

To ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and

modern energy for all.

To promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth,

employment and decent work for all.

Taking urgent action to tackle climate change and its impacts.

To ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.

To sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt

and reverse land degradation, and halt biodiversity loss.

Drawing from these SDGs, Rothschild & Co adapts its operational activities

to continuously improve its approach to environmental management and

address relevant environmental concerns.

(1) For the avoidance of doubt, this does not include the FTE headcount of the Martin Maurel group entities. The economic and legal reorganisation of the two groups following the merger between the two

holdings Rothschild & Co and Compagnie Financière is described in the Management Report on page 51. In the annual report relating to the 2018 financial year, Rothschild & Co will aim to report on 100%

of the Rothschild Martin Maurel sub-group office locations.

(2) Please refer to the following website for more information: