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Rothschild & Co | Annual Report 2017   


1. Overview

4. Financial statements


Management report

2. Business review

The overall governance of environmental matters comes from the Group

Environment, Health & Safety Committee. This Committee is formed of

senior representatives championing Environment, Health & Safety within

Rothschild & Co. This Committee, which reports to the Group Executive

Committee, a senior management committee at Rothschild & Co, is

required to:

• review and provide direction on Rothschild & Co’s environment strategy;

• promote alignment of Rothschild & Co’s Environment Policy across all

Group legal entities;

• review and provide direction on Rothschild & Co’s environmental goals

and targets; and

• review and endorse environmental content for the Rothschild & Co

Annual Report, including the Corporate Social Responsibility Report,

and environmental content of all other Rothschild & Co reports, and

the Rothschild & Co website.

The Group Environment Manager is responsible for coordinating all

environmental activities, with senior individuals at each of our offices who,

in turn, are accountable for their location’s environmental management.

Implementation of environmental management activities at each location

is the responsibility of the location’s Environment Advocates, with

environmental stewardship being the responsibility of every Rothschild & Co


4.1.2 Employee training and awareness on

environmental protection

Rothschild & Co raises employee awareness of environmental challenges

affecting the Group primarily through its Intranet R-connect, email

communications, notice boards and face-to-face meetings.

In 2017, the Group participated in many global initiatives to increase

employee awareness on various environmental challenges. One of the

initiatives, Zero Waste Week, was aimed at increasing awareness of

the waste generated from our daily activities. Focusing on eliminating

disposable packaging, employees were encouraged to have a zero waste

lunch by, for example, bringing in leftovers from home or asking their local

café to fill reusable containers. Employees were asked to take a photo and

explain what they had done to reduce lunchtime waste before entering a

competition judged by the EH&S Committee. The winners were invited to

select a charity to receive a donation from the Group on their behalf.

The Group also shared environmental impact information of the office

operations internally with infographics. Using these infographics, staff were

able to compare the relative impact at an absolute and per person level for

waste, material use, water use, energy use and CO


emissions. The results

were broken down into tangible comparisons, like the number of showers

the Group water use amounts to per person. Communicating the impact

in this way enabled employees to compare offices against each other

more easily.

Environmental Advocates have been identified for each office location.

This has helped ensure clear understanding, consistent messaging and

sharing of best practice to address environmental challenges that are

commonly found across the Group.

In due course, Rothschild & Co will develop and deliver training that

addresses environmental challenges that are common across the Group.

This training will be made available for all Rothschild & Co employees and

where appropriate, third-party contractors.

4.1.3 Amount of provisions and guarantees for

environmental risk

In 2015 and 2016, Rothschild & Co undertook a global legal compliance

and conformance assessment to understand the legal environmental

responsibilities in each jurisdiction where Rothschild & Co has an office.

This assessment led to the development of the Group environmental

conformance standard for offices worldwide, which the Group regularly

monitors and uses to continuously improve.

To date, no particular provisions or guarantees have been identified or are

required for operational environmental risk.

4.2 Pollution

4.2.1 Measures for preventing, reducing or

offsetting discharges into the air, water and soil,

with a severe impact on the environment

As an office-based business, Rothschild & Co does not consider its

discharges into air, water and soil to be material environmental risks.

4.2.2 Sound pollution and any other form of

business-specific pollution

As an office-based business, Rothschild & Co does not consider sound

pollution to be a material environmental risk, nor does the Group contribute

to any other business-specific forms of pollution.

4.3 Circular economy

Rothschild & Co understands that applying a traditional approach to

resource use places undue pressure on global resources, is wasteful

and is uneconomically viable in an increasingly challenging business

environment. The Group believes that promoting circular economy activities

is in line with being a responsible, sustainable business that helps uphold

its commitment to responsible consumption and production, as defined

under the 12


Sustainable Development Goal of the United Nations

(responsible production and consumption).