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Rothschild & Co | Annual Report 2017   


1. Overview

4. Financial statements


Management report

2. Business review

This year saw the launch of the Women’s Leadership Forum, where all

female Managing Directors across the firm came to London for a day and a

half’s conference. Senior male Managing Directors were invited for the first

day to discuss challenges and solutions, hearing from other companies and

Managing Directors across the firm. The second day was a female Managing

Directors only day looking at building their skill set. The conference

concluded with female Directors from London invited to a panel discussion

on concerns and hearing how others have overcome challenges of being a

successful woman at Rothschild & Co.

Resulting from the Women’s Leadership Forum a committee has been

established to look at three different workstreams; promotion and

transparency; balance for all and confidence and belief; and sponsorship

and mentoring. These workstreams will commence work in 2018.

In the United Kingdom, the Diversity Committee continues with a number

of senior representatives from each major business of the Group. The UK

Diversity Committee supports the Women’s Network and the Lesbian, Gay,

Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Network. Both Networks have organised

a number of speaker series and social events to encourage the Network’s

overall objective to provide an environment of inclusiveness. The LGBT

Network continues to be a member of Stonewall’s Diversity Champions

Programme which is Britain’s good practice forum on sexual orientation

in the workplace.

The focus on staff to help them manage their work-life balance continues

with a series of workshops and seminars on health and well-being as

mentioned previously in Section 3.6.

In France, measures have been put in place to promote gender equality

in three key areas: recruitment, compensation and work-life balance.

Action plans are presented and reviewed every year with our social

representatives. We also have a plan in favour of more seasoned employees

which aims to measure and enhance their professional development and

transmit knowledge within the Group.

3.8 Measures implemented to promote

employment and integration of disabled people

Rothschild & Co ensures that in each location where it operates, no

discriminatory criterion is applied for recruitment, career development and

compensation decisions. Where an employee has a disability, Rothschild &

Co works closely with them and its Occupational Health advisers to provide

the appropriate adjustments and support to ensure they can be successful

and fulfilled in the workplace. In its United Kingdom environment, the Group

also collaborates with specific organisations and charities, for example Blind

in Business, to ensure that the Group is providing the best possible care

and support to its employees.

In France, the Group’s contribution to the employment of disabled persons

is conducted by financing specialised companies and by investing in

educational projects for disabled people.

3.9 Promotion and observation of the

International Labour Organisation’s Convention

The policies implemented by Rothschild & Co adhere to and are in line with

the main provisions of the ILO Convention, for example the elimination of all

forms of forced labour, abolition of child labour, elimination of all forms of

discrimination in respect of employment and occupation examples of which

we have detailed above under Equal Opportunities, but also in respect of

freedom of association and collective bargaining.

4 Environmental information

Rothschild & Co recognises its environmental responsibilities and the

importance of being actively engaged with environmental issues. Rothschild

& Co also recognises that environmental challenges present additional

business risks and opportunities that vary in type, severity and frequency.

In recognition of the effects of climate change and its potential impact on

societies and ecosystems, resource security and the stability of economic

markets, Rothschild & Co gives consideration to climate change challenges

and opportunities that affect its business.

Accepting the importance of the decisions made at the 21


session of the

Conference of the Parties in Paris in December 2015, Rothschild & Co has

adopted a Group Environmental Policy and guiding vision:

“Through our operations, products and services we will aim to add value

to our and our clients’ businesses in a sustainable, environmentally-

responsible way, to conserve and protect the world’s natural resources.”

The Group Environment Policy and vision are underpinned and aligned

with the six most relevant United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

(“SDGs”) for the Group, from the 17 SDGs defined by the United Nations.

In line with the Group’s strategy, the six goals help focus the effort of

reducing the Group’s negative environmental impact from its operations.

Whilst the Group recognises the importance of all the SDGs, it has

specifically aligned itself with those it feels most relevant to the

environmental management of the business, these are:

To maintain a consistent, focused approach on the most material

environmental impact areas of the Group’s locations, Rothschild & Co

has implemented a continuous improvement programme called the

Environmental Management Action Plan (EMAP). The EMAP is aimed at

reducing the negative environmental impact of the Group’s operations.

This plan further supports local environmental initiatives run by building

landlords where Rothschild & Co and its affiliates are tenants.